Plenary Speakers |
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Name |
Toshihiko KOSEKI |
Affiliation |
Department of Materials Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan |
Research Field |
Ferrous and nonferrous alloys |
Biography |
Obtained Bachelor of Materials Engineering from The University of Tokyo in 1981, Master of Materials Engineering from The University of Tokyo in 1983, and Sc. D (Doctor of Science) in Materials Engineering from MIT in 1994. Joined Nippon Steel Corporation in 1983 and moved to The University of Tokyo 2003. Elected as the Head of the Department of Materials Engineering in 2007, as Vice Dean of School of Engineering in 2012, and as Vice President of The University of Tokyo in 2014. Published more than 100 peer-reviewed technical papers and acquired more than 30 patents. Awarded Fellow of Japan Welding Society in 2010, Fellow of American Welding Society in 2011, Fellow of ASM International in 2012, and many others. |
Title Towards higher performance steels |
With increasing demands for higher-performance and environment-friendly materials, higher strength steels have been extensively researched. Those steels are intended to be used in light-weighted automobiles and many other steel structures with higher performance and reliability, and thus not only increased strength but also conflicting properties such as ductility, formability and weldability are required simultaneously. To meet the demands, different steels have been extensively researched and developed all over the world. In this talk, some of the recent research activities towards higher performance steels are reviewed, with an emphasis on high-strength, high-ductility steel, and future direction of the research will be discussed. |
Name |
Dongyuan ZHAO |
Affiliation |
Chemistry Department, Fudan University, China |
Research Field |
Mesoporous materials, Synthesis, Nanoscale materials, Self-Assembly, Templating, Surfactant, Interface |
Biography |
Dongyuan Zhao was born in Northeastern of China, he received BS. (1984), M.S. (1987) and PhD degree (1990) from Jilin University. He was a post-doctoral fellow in the Weizmann Institute of Science (1993–94), University of Houston (1995–96), University of California at Santa Barbara (1996–98). Now he is a Professor (Cheung Kong and Hao Qing Professorship) in the Department of Chemistry at Fudan University. Currently, he is a fragmental professor in Monash University, Australia. He was a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Third World Academy of Science (TWAS), Council Member of IZA, Vice President of International Mesostructured Materials Association (IMMA). He has received many prizes from China and some international awards such as The Ho Leung Ho Lee Award (2009), TWAS Prize (2008); IMMS Award (2008); DuPond Award (2005). He is now appointed as an associate editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry, and co-editor of Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. He published more than 550 peer-review papers, 40 patents and is listed as one of highly cited researchers in both Chemistry and Materials fields by ISI. His research interests mainly include designed synthesis, assembly, structure and application of ordered mesoporous materials. |
Title Interfacial assembly and engineering of ordered mesoporous materials for applications |
With recent progresses made in modern nanoscience and nanotechnology, ordered mesoporous materials have been one of the hottest research topics in scientific community spanned chemistry, materials science, physics and biology. The construction of mesoporous materials is mainly concerned with building monodispersed mesosized (2-50 nm) pore voids and arranging them in a long-range ordered array. Generally, two kinds of templates are used to produce the mesopores: supramolecular aggregates such as surfactant micelle arrays, and rigid preformed solids such as ordered mesoporous silica, carbon, and colloidal crystals. Noticeably, besides the template, the interface also plays a central role in the synthetic process, because it provides a rich and crucial space for the assembly and construction of mesostructures. Generally, two kinds of interfaces involve in the synthetic system. The first one is at between surfactant templates and guest species, which has been extensively investigated. Another important interface is the two-phase (solid, liquid and gas) one, including liquid-solid, gas-liquid, liquid-liquid, gas-solid, and solid-solid interface, which has been well developed for the synthesis of ordered mesoporous materials. Compared with the one phase synthesis referring to homogeneous nucleation and growth, the introduction of a two-phase interface in the system can change the growth behaviors of mesoporous materials and lead to the formation of molding or multifunctional mesoporous materials. For example, mesoporous thin films or membranes have been widely fabricated on a substrate via an evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) method. Multifunctional core-shell structured mesoporous materials can be obtained by rationally depositing mesoporous shells on well-designed cores at the interface. Recently we have developed a novel facile approach i.e. a solvent evaporation-induced aggregating assembly (EIAA) to synthesize large pore mesoporous silica materials. In addition, the well-known hard-templating method for mesoporous materials is also a typical interface reaction. |
Name |
Freddy BOEY |
Affiliation |
President’s Office, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore |
Research Field |
Functional Biomaterials for medical devices, nanomaterials and nanostructures for cell regeneration, sensing and energy storage |
Biography |
Professor Freddy Boey is the Deputy President and Provost of Nanyang Technological University. Scientist, researcher, inventor and educator, Professor Boey is a serial inventor and founded several companies through some of his inventions like the fully biodegradable and dual drug eluting heart stents, biodegradable PDA/PFO/ASD occluders, FDA approved PVDF Hernia mesh and disposable tissue retractors, a miniature piezoelectric heart pump, sustain drug release for Glaucoma using liposome etc. His fully biodegradable stent, PDA/PFO/ASD occluders and glaucoma drug delivery device are currently undergoing human trials in Columbia, India and Singapore, respectively. Professor Boey has published 355 top journal papers with a citation of 10,485 and has won more than $42 million in research grants. Over the years, he has received many prestigious awards, including the highly prestigious Imperial College London Fellowship Award at their Medical College; the Singapore President's Science and Technology Medal, the highest honor for lifetime achievement that can be given to top research scientists and engineers in Singapore; the President’s Technology Award, the Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award from Monash University; honorary doctorates from Loughborough University, Nanjing University of Technology and Honorary Professorships from University of Indonesia & Nanjing Postal & Telecoms University. |
Title Functional Biomaterials for Medical Devices in treating Cardiovascular & Glaucoma Diseases |
Functional Biomaterials has recently been used successfully as medical devices to treat diseases as a drug carrier. This presentation shares the results of both the research and the commercialization aspects of two devices developed in NTU, both of which has led to a funded start up company each. The first is the development of a fully biodegradable multi layered and drug eluting biopolymer stent for treating coronary artery blockages. The company has successfully carried out Phase 2 human trials and has attracted a buy in from a major Biomedical Device company, Boston Scientific. The second is the development of a first ever injected nanoliposome that elutes Latanoprost locally, which has been successfully shown to continuously reduce the Intra Occular Pressure for up to 6 months in its first human trials. The technology has since led to a funded Start Up company with funding to start phase 2 human trials. |
Name |
Affiliation |
Advanced materials for energy area, IREC, Spain |
Research Field |
Nano materials for energy applications Solar Fuels |
Biography |
Professor Dr. Juan R Morante is the head of the Advanced materials for energy Area. I n the IREC Catalonian Institute for Energy Research.
He is also Professor in Physics , University of Barcelona, dealing on Semiconductor Physics.
At 2008 he joined IREC as head of the advanced material for energy area.
His activities have been centred in electronic materials and devices; the assessment of nano and micro technologies and manufacturing processes. He is involved on the mechanisms of energy transfer in solid interfaces involving electrons, photons and phonons as well as chemicals. Likewise, he is specialized in the development of renewable energies devices and systems based on nano structures and their functionalization. His special attention is focussed on advanced materials and systems for energy storage and energy conversion. He has been leader in more than 40 international projects.He is co-author s of more of 500 papers with more than 15.000 citations. He has also participated in many industrial and international projects.
He has received different award as Narcis Monturiol medal and the senior distinction from Generalitat de Catalunya.
He has also been involved in the executive committee of the EMRS where he has occupied the charge of Vice President. |
Title New material alternatives for solar chemicals and CO2 reutilisation |
Direct solar energy becomes a clear alternative for producing solar fuels if the overall efficiency can be competitive enough versus alternative route using photovoltaic energy conversion plus (co)-electrolyser. In this scenario, photo-electro-chemical processes constitute one of the more clear options for achieving solar hydrogen by water splitting, C1 molecules by directly reducing CO2 or by reducing catalytically CO2 by combining it with solar hydrogen. The assessments of these via require high quality electrode materials including catalyst additives, advanced PEC units and system designs as well as catalytic material with improved performances combined with new modular reactor concepts.
In this contribution, metal oxides and III-V and IV semiconductors structural properties and device configuration, planar or nanostructured, will be reviewed considering their practical performances, suitability and feasibility as photo anode, photo cathode or simply as electrodes considering their efficiency, durability and requirement for oxygen or hydrogen evolution catalysts. Energy balance will be analysed and examples for bias free conditions discussed.
Special attention will be paid on the solar production of hydrogen and added value chemicals. Finally, the use of solar hydrogen will also be considered for producing methane using new catalyst materials and reactors. Again energy balance and efficiencies will be discussed. |
Name |
William Dale NIX |
Affiliation |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, USA |
Research Field |
Nanomechanical properties of materials |
Biography |
Professor of materials science at Stanford for more than 50 years |
Title Modeling plasticity of FCC/BCC micropillars under uniaxial loading using dislocation dynamics |
Recent experiments have shown that the flow stress of metallic micropillars increases with decreasing sample size. It is now well established that dislocation sources play a key role in determining these properties, but there is still debate about the relative importance of single arm sources compared to other sources that operate at the surfaces. Here we describe recent dislocation dynamics modeling to understand the contributions of these different mechanisms. For micron-sized FCC micropillars, DD modeling shows that dislocations gliding on their own slip planes without artificial pinning points lead naturally to single arm sources. But when nucleation of dislocations at surfaces is included, then surface nucleation can become the dominant source for small enough micropillars. At intermediate micropillar diameters both sources can operate in a stochastic way. For BCC micropillars, a natural cross-slip controlled multiplication mechanism, involving image forces and non-planar core structures, operates at the surface and controls plasticity, even if the critical stress for multiplication still depends on micropillar diameter in a way that is reminiscent of the single arm source model. In this respect, both surface multiplication and single arm sources operate cooperatively for BCC micropillars. |
Name |
Yanfeng CHEN |
Affiliation |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering & National Laboratory of Solid-State Microstructures, Nanjing University, China |
Research Field |
Microstructured Materials, Phononic/Photonic Crystals, Meta-Materials, Ferroelectric Films |
Biography |
Prof. Yanfeng CHEN received his PhD degree in Materials Engineering at Northwest Polytechnic University, Xi’an China, in 1990. From 1993 to 2012, he served as a founding member and chair of the Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering at Nanjing University. From 2001 to 2002, he was a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is currently a Professor of Materials Physics in Nanjing University. His research interests mainly focus on the interaction of waves with artificial materials including photonic crystals, acoustic crystals and meta-materials and on the growth and study of exotic material properties of complex oxide crystals and their hetero-structures. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers, and been granted 20 Chinese patents. He has presented more than 15 invited talks at international conferences. |
Title Exotic acoustic and optical effects in micro-structured materials |
The concept of photonic crystals developed in the late 80’s last century has sparked a continuous research enthusiasm worldwide. Similar concept has now been extended to wave systems other than electromagnetic wave due to the intrinsic similarity for the wave description. In addition, the concept of meta-materials which utilize local resonance has expanded the horizon of controlling wave-material interaction. During the past decade, our group has conducted intensive research work on acoustic crystals, photonic crystals and meta-materials. In this talk, we will present our study of various exotic effects in acoustic and optical meta-materials.
Acoustic waves exhibit inherently different nature of propagation when transmitting through micro-structured acoustic materials. In periodic acoustic crystals, we show the effect of negative refractions of acoustic wave both in theory and in experiment. Analogous to enhanced optical wave transmission through perforated thin metal sheet, we demonstrate enhanced acoustic wave transmission through narrow slits much smaller than wavelength. We develop a model describing the coupling of surface waves and cavity modes in the slits and the concept of evanescent acoustic surface waves. We successfully utilize such model to study the enhanced acoustic transmission. By taking advantages of directional band-gap, we demonstrate an acoustic diode in an asymmetric acoustic crystal, which allows the momentum of the acoustic wave to jump from band gap to pass band. We also realize a similar phenomenon in a surface acoustic wave device with acoustic frequencies in several hundred megahertz.
Similar to the acoustic wave, light can also exhibit exotic propagation behavior in a deliberately designed structure. Here we describe our recent theoretical and experimental study on Parity-Time (PT) symmetric photonic structures. PT symmetry is a fundamental symmetry of physical systems that are invariant under time reversion and parity symmetry. This symmetry was originally introduced in quantum field theory. It has been recently applied to optical system by forming a complex optical potential with a symmetric real part and an anti-symmetric imaginary part of the refractive index profile, which corresponds to either amplification (gain) or absorption (loss). The introduction of complex index modulation represents is believed to be a big step forward in the study of photonic systems and in the control of light. In this talk, we present our artful design and experimental implementation of such PT-symmetric CMOS compatible devices on silicon optical chips, which exhibit various unique optical phenomena including unidirectional mode coupling and converting, and one-way reflectionless transmission. |
Name |
Tsung-Tsan SU |
Affiliation |
Material Research Society-Taiwan, Taiwan |
Research Field |
Material, Nanotechnology, Strategic Planning, Project Management |
Biography |
Dr. Tsung-Tsan SU has been the general director of Material and Chemical Research Laboratories of Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) since 2010. She has worked in ITRI for more than 38 years. In 2006, she was appointed as co-program director of Taiwan National Science and Technology Program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. In 2013, she was appointed as director of Taiwan National Energy Program Phase II Carbon Reduction and Clean Coal Focus Center.
She received her BS degree in Chemistry from National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan and Ph.D. degree from Princeton University, USA. With over two decades of field experience in organic synthesis, analytical chemistry, pollution prevention, cleaner production and nanotechnology, she developed the ability to integrate interdisciplinary technologies. In 2014 She got two Outstanding Leadership Awards from National Program on Nano Technology, MOST and Taiwan Chemical Industry Association, respectively. In 2011 she also granted the honour of the National Industrial Innovation Award from MOEA.
Her principal research interest is the development of nanotechnology, electronic chemicals, energy materials as well as cleaner production. |
Title From R&D; to Business Development ITRI approach |
In this presentation, R&D; efforts and strategy on advanced materials from Material and Chemical Lab., ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) will be described.
ITRI’s mission is through bridging science and industry to create economic value and spearhead new industries. How to effectively convert R&D; results into commercial value is an important issue worldwide. Applying TRL (Technology Readiness Level) and NSDB analysis, ITRI increases the successful rate to convert R&D; achievements to business development.
Several examples will be presented to illustrate our NSDB approach. From Need analysis to develop Differential Solution, the results will create economical and/or ecological Benefits. |
Name |
Affiliation |
Department of Physics, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA |
Research Field |
Nanotechnology and materials science |
Biography |
Professor Yacaman has been one of the pioneers on synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles. His work on this area spans for 40 years and has resulted in several classic papers on the field. Professor Yacaman has more than 500 publications and there very heavy citation of his work.
He has organized several electron Microscope laboratories in Latin America and USA and has mentored more than 50 Phd dissertations. |
Title Electron Diffraction and High Resolution TEM of clusters and nanoparticles |
One of the most interesting topics in modern materials science and nanotechnology is the study of clusters containing a few atoms or nanoparticles in the size range of 1-2 nm. A key modern technique to study them is aberration corrected Electron microscopy. The need of using field emission gun (FEG) electron emitters and the possibility of having electron probe sizes < 1nm has made the radiation damage a mayor problem. In fact the clusters and nanoparticles are seriously altered by the radiation damage. As a result the studied structure might not be the pristine one but an altered state.
It is necessary then to use the methods that the Biology community has been using for decades. In this talk we discussed those methods and its application to clusters and nanoparticles. We show that it is possible to obtain reliable diffraction patterns and atomic resolved images, which truly represent the structure. |