Keynote Speakers |
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Program |
II. Electronic Materials |
Symposium |
1. Flexible and Printed Thin Film Electronics |
Name |
Yongtaek HONG |
Affiliation |
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea |
Research Field |
Flexible/Stretchable/Printed Electronics, Information Display, e-skin, TFT, Sensor, OLED |
Biography |
Dr. Hong received College of Engineering Graduate Student Distinguished Achievement Awards from University of Michigan in 2003, 2005 George E. Smith Award from IEEE Electron Device Society in 2006, Best Student Poster Award at IMID in 2008, Best Lecture Award from College of Engineering at SNU in 2008, 2009 and 2011, Young IT Engineer of The Year Award from IEEE/IEEK in 2010, Best Poster Paper Award at IWFPE in 2011, The Most Cited Paper Award from JKPS in 2011, Most Cited/Downloaded Articles Award from IJPEM in 2011, SBS Foundation Fellowship in 2012, “1906 Award” from International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in 2012, and Industrial Technology of the Month Award from MOTIE of Korea in 2014. He is currently working as a convenor of international standard organization, IEC TC110 WG8 (Flexible Display Device), an executive board member of KIDS, chair of IEEE ED Seoul, and chapter formation chair of SID. He is an associate editor of J. SID, JID, and JOSK. He is a member of SID, KIDS, and IEEE. |
Title Printed stretchable system for wearable applications |
Wearable electronic device is one of the hottest topics in the era of "Internet of Things." In addition to accessory type devices, such as google glass or samsung gear, body attachable, or even implantable devices are considered as a next generation wearable technology. One of the key properties of such devices is mechanically stretchable function. Up to now, three different strategies have been widely explored to implement stretchable electronic system: device itself is stretchable; whole system itself is stretchable; and device is intact but only interconnect is stretchable. Among those approaches, rigid/soft area engineering in the elastomeric substrate and locating active devices and stretchable interconnect electrodes on each area, respectively, are the most promising one in order to achieve stable stretchable system in a facile method.. Furthermore, if such system is fabricated on the stretchable platform by using a simple printing process, rapid development in the low-cost, body-attachable electronics area and breakthrough in corresponding fabrication technology are more expected than ever. Since conductive nano materials can be easily formed into inks so that they can be printed on flexible or stretchable platform, being used as stretchable interconnection electrodes, my group has been focusing on inkjet printing process of such materials and has focused on building "Printed Systems on Stretchable Platform." In this talk, our efforts on the inkjet-printed interconnection electrodes and their applications to attachable display and various sensor systems will be presented. For stretchable electrode development, three key parameters of conductivity, stretchability, and cycling stability must be considered. Silver (Ag) nano particle ink, conductive single walled carbon nano tube (SWCNT) ink, and nickel nano particle composite have been explored for applications depending on pros and cons of each material. The most recent results and other technology will be reviewed. |
Program |
II. Electronic Materials |
Symposium |
6. Advanced Oxide Materials and Thin Films: Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Devices |
Name |
Josep NOGUES |
Affiliation |
Magnetic Nanostructures Group, ICN2 - Institute Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia, Spain |
Research Field |
Magnetic nanostructures and nanoparticles |
Biography |
Since 2006 Dr. Josep Nogués is an ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader of the Magnetic Nanostructures group at the ICN2- Institut Catala de Nanotecnologia. He obtained his PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) in 1993. After over 4 years as a post-doc at the University of California San Diego, in 1997 he settled at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. In Oct. 2001 he got an ICREA Research Professor position. He has extensively worked (for more than 25 years) on magnetic characterization at different length scales, particularly thin films, nanostructures and nanoparticles. Moreover, in recent years he has been involved in the investigation of magnetoplasmonic nanostructures. Prof. Nogués has published over 210 articles (including 8 reviews), which have been cited more than 11500 times (currently with an h-index of 45). Moreover, he has presented over 150 invited talks. He currently holds two patents. Prof. Nogués is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and has been an Associated Editor for Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials and he is currently an Associated Editor of IEEE Magnetics Letters. |
Title |
Program |
III. Energy and Environmental Materials |
Symposium |
1. Photovoltaic Solar Cells |
Name |
Affiliation |
Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Southern California, USA |
Research Field |
Quantum Nanostructures for information sensing, processing, and solar energy conversion |
Biography |
Anupam Madhukar heads the Nanostructure Materials and Devices Laboratory (NMDL) at the University of Southern California and is internationally known for the spawning and development of the field of self-organized semiconductor nanostructures. He is the Kenneth T. Norris Professor of Engineering, holds appointments in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, and Physics, and is a member of the Center for Photonics. He carries out multi-disciplinary research with a focus on examination of quantum phenomena in novel functional nanoscale structures synthesized for applications in: information sensing, processing and communication; conversion of solar photons to power; probing the biotic-abiotic interface; and real-time imaging and spectroscopic probing of intra-cellular biochemical processes in live cells under applied stress. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and recipient of an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (Physics, 1977-79). He is the recipient of the Outstanding Research Achievement award (1988) of the USC School of Engineering and DARPA/MTO Award of Sustained Excellence (1997). Madhukar has served on a variety of national panels including the US National Nanotechnology Initiative Panel on Nanoelectronics, Nanomagnetics, and Nanophotonics (2004) and National Solar Energy Panel (2005). |
Title |
Program |
III. Energy and Environmental Materials |
Symposium |
6. Superconducting and Thermoelectric Materials for Sustainable Development |
Name |
Kazuaki YAZAWA |
Affiliation |
Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, Japan |
Research Field |
Thermoelectric and renewable energy conversion devices and systems |
Biography |
Dr. Kazuaki Yazawa is a researcher at Brick Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University. He is also an experienced engineer worked nearly 30 years in Sony Corporation prior to joining academia in 2009. His specialty is in thermal and thermo-energy systems in science and technology. Recent work in thermoelectric technology includes the electro-thermal co-optimization of thermoelectric systems with considering the role of thermoelectric properties in cost-effective power generation and or energy effective refrigeration. This key finding of the recent work highlights the importance of focusing on engineering the thermal conductivity of nano featured materials rather than the other properties in cost effective thermoelectric energy conversion. Dr. Yazawa is also working on heat energy technologies for saving primary energy in residential houses and commercial building using trans-critical CO2 heat pump and thermal energy storages. The work is aiming to accelerate the use of renewable resources, which are quite intermittent. |
Title Energy Sustainability with Thermoelectrics - Interplay between Nanomaterials, Devices, and Systems |
Scalable and distributed energy and power systems are desired both in developed and developing countries. Solar is the most direct source of renewable energies but matching to the needs of human daily life is somewhat missing. The talk will focus on thermoelectric technology aiming to solve the challenges to transform the society to use sustainable energy systems. Thermoelectric is a simple device capable to directly convert heat energy into electricity. Despite of its simple structure, due to the electrical and thermal couplings, designing systems require several trade-offs. The figure-of-merit ZT is the key measure of material performance and has been the focus of extensive studies, whereas system optimization depends on several parameters beyond ZT. For example, different material properties can have different impacts on cost-performance (e.g. $/W). Thermoelectric materials and modules should not be considered stand alone, heat sinks and parasitic resistances need to be co-optimized. The R&D; focus on materials to systems may vary in applications. Some of the key challenges will be shared with the audience and substantiated by modelling and analysis of coupled heat and energy transport. To achieve high penetration of renewable energy sources for sustainability, treatment of heat energy is a very important and co-generation opportunities need to be considered carefully. For an example, more than half of energy demand in a residential house is for heating or cooling, especially in colder climate zones. Due to intermittency of renewables, energy storage may have to be integrated with energy conversion systems. Thermal storage has economical advantage and thermoelectrics can play a key role in electro-thermal co-generation. In another example, if a rapid temperature control is needed, thermoelectric devices can be quite effective. The presentation will finally go through various potential application needs and solutions that benefit from thermoelectrics devices. |
Program |
IV. Functional Materials |
Symposium |
2. Multiscale Hybrids and Composites |
Name |
Min PARK |
Affiliation |
Soft Innovative Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST), Korea |
Research Field |
2D nanomaterials for soft electronics, Microelectronic packaging materials, Carbon based polymer composites |
Biography |
Min Park received the Ph.D. degree from the Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea, in 1994. He has been working for Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) for more than 27 years, where he is now a head of Soft Innovative Materials Research Center of Korea Institute of Science and Technology. His research interests include 2D nanomaterials for soft electronics, microelectronic packaging materials and carbon based polymer composites. |
Title Synthesis and Characterization of High Quality 2D Nanomaterials for Soft Electronics |
Recently, 2 dimensional (2D) nanomaterials have become major research focus due to the advantage that they are transparent, flexible, and stretchable, and thus these can be the key materials that will lead to next generation electronics. 2D nanomaterials have remarkable electronic and mechanical properties stemming from sp2 hybridized bonding and they include the species such as graphene (metal), h-BN (white graphene, insulator), h-BCN (semiconductor), and MoS2 (semiconductor). Two major approaches such as chemical vapor deposition and chemical exfoliation were attempted, and large areal films were acquired via a transfer method or various coating methods. Subsequently, the films were patterned and stacked in order to have desirable device architecture. The electronic properties of different 2D nanomaterials were measured, and the characteristics of thin film transistors made of 2D nanomaterials were demonstrated. In order to commercialize these 2D materials, synthesis with 6” wafer scale was attempted using the state of the art facility, PVD-PECVD cluster system. Highly crystalline and uniform 2D materials have been synthesized, and these materials will be suitable for commercialization of electronic devices. |
Program |
IV. Functional Materials |
Symposium |
6. Materials Chemistry and Catalysis |
Name |
Masahiro YOSHIMURA |
Affiliation |
Promotion Center for Global Materials Research, MS&E;, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan |
Research Field |
Soft Processing for Inorganic Materials |
Biography |
Masahiro Yoshimura is currently the Chair Professor(Distinguished) at Mater. Sci. & Eng. ,and the Director of the Promotion Center for Global Materials Research of National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. He earned D.Sc. in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 1970. In 1973-1977,he was a Pos-Doc. researcher in CNRS Labs.,Odeillo,Orleans and Vitry-sur-Seine,France and M.I.T.,USA. In 1978,he became an Associate Professor,then Professor(1985) in Tokyo Institute of Technology till became a Professor Emeritus in 2008. He has worked on Phase Equilibria of Zirconia, Rare Earth Oxides, and Hydrothermal/Solution Processes of Zirconia, HAp, BaTiO3, LiCoO2, and Nano-Carbons,etc. He has >700 peer-reviewed papers, >14,500 citations and h-index = 59 as an ISI Highlycited Researcher since 2004. His Presidentships are in World Academy of Ceramics, International Hydrothermal and Solvothermal Association, MRS-Japan, etc. He has served as 16 Organizing Chairs, i.e. IUMRS-ICAM,Yokohama,2003 &2009, and International Conference in Hydrothermal Reactions, Sendai, Japan 2006 , etc. He joined as 54 Advisory/Organizing Committees, 20 Prenary Lectures, i.e. MS&T;, San Francisco(2000), ICMAT, Singapore (2003) , Hydrothermal/Solvothermal Symposia,(2000) (2004) (2006)(2008) (2010), etc. and gave >170 Invited/Keynote Lectures in International Meetings. He is one of Editors in Solid State Science(since 1988), J. Nanomaterials(since 2004), Nano Letters(2002-2005),etc. and Guest Editors in MRS Bull,Oct.1994 &Sept.2000;, Euro. J.Solid State and Inorg. Chem. 1995, Solid State Ionics,152/154,2002, J.Mater.Sci.2006&2007,etc. |

Soft Processing of Nitrogen-doped Graphenes and Their Hybrids via Submerged Liquid Plasma [SLP] and Electrochemical Exfoliation [ECE] under Ambient Conditions |
Nano-carbons have greatly been interested in various fields of research. We believe that the large scale synthesis of nano-carbon should be free from using excess energies for firing, sintering, melting and/or expensive equipments. We, propose here Soft processing of functionalized Graphenes at ambient conditions. The Soft processing provides number of advantages which includes (a) simple reaction set up,(b) at ambient conditions, (c) simple procedure and (d)less operating costs. In the present study, we have utilized “Submerged Liquid Plasma [SLP]” and “Electrocemical Exfoliation[ECE] methods. SLP methods resulted the direct synthesis of Nitrogen functionalized Graphene Nano-sheets from Graphene suspension and/or Graphite electrode in acetonitrile liquids. Products contains few layers (< 5) Graphene nanosheets. Unsaturated or high energy functional group (e.g. C=C, C=N and C≡N) have formed in the products. We could confirm those functionalized Graphenes are electrochemically active. Using pencil rods instead of Graphite rods we have also succeeded to prepare the Nano-clay/Graphene hybrids by this SLP methods. Reduction and functionalization of Graphene oxides and Synthesis of Graphene/Au Hybrids also realized by SLP. In the ECE, graphite anode is exfoliated electrochemically by H2O2-NaOH or Glycine-H2SO4 aqueous solutions under ambient temperature and pressure,for 5-30 min with +1-+5 volt, into 3-6 layers Graphene Nanosheets[GNs]. Those conditions are much milder than those reported before using other chemicals like ionic liquids and/or H2SO4-KMnO4,etc.,because O22- ions or ionic complex like Glycine-HSO4- would assist the exfoliation of graphite layers. Our products:GNs suspended in solutions can be transformed in the 2nd step in the same container using BrCH2CN/dioxane into N-FG, further into Au-Hybridized N-FG by the sonification with Au nanoparticles. We have confirmed the excellent catalytic performance of those hybrids. It should be noted that Soft Processing can directly produce “Graphene Ink”;Graphenes dispersed in various liquids, under mild conditions. |
Program |
V. Structural Materials |
Symposium |
1. State-of-the-art of Steel Research |
Name |
Setsuo TAKAKI |
Affiliation |
International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University, Japan |
Research Field |
Mechanical properties of steel |
Biography |
Since 1972, I have been working on the microstructure control of steel and contributed to the development of steel making process for 38 years. My major field is “Grain refinement of steel”. In 1988, our research group has succeeded the fabrication of an ultra fine grained austenitic stainless steel with the grain size of 0.5μm by a simple process; cold working followed by annealing. The results were submitted to the journal of Iron and Steel Institute of Japan and “The Best Year's Paper Award” was given to the paper in which the mechanism of ultra grain refinement was reported. In 1998, we succeeded the fabrication of ultra fine-grained ferritic iron with the grain size of 0.2μm by a special powder metallurgy process; consolidation of mechanically milled iron powder and indicated that the Hall-Petch relation can be realized to the ultra fine grain size region below 1μm. The results were mainly submitted to the journals of Japan Powder and Powder Metallurgy Institute and Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. “Award on advanced research (1999)” and “The Best Year's Paper Award (2000)” were given by the above two institutes, respectively. |
Title Effect of grain size on the work hardening of ferritic iron |
In polycrystalline metals, it is known that grain size affects not only yield strength but also work hardening. In general, the yield strength of deformed materials sy has been explained by the addition of all strengthening mechanism: sy = s0 + Δsgb + Δsd where s0, Δsgb andΔsd denote friction stress, grain refinement strengthening and dislocation strengthening, respectively. However, J. T. Evans pointed out that the yield strength of cold worked iron can be explained by only the mechanism of dislocation strengthening regardless of the ferrite grain size. In this paper, the effect of grain size on dislocation accumulation was examined in a wide range of grain size from 1.2 to 130 mm and then the mechanism of yield point elongation was discussed in terms of the strengthening mechanism shift from grain refinement strengthening to dislocation strengthening. The results obtained are as follows: (1) Yield strength increases with decreasing ferrite grain size and explained by the mechanism of grain refinement strengthening depending on the Hall-Petch relation. (2) Dislocation density r of 5% cold rolled specimens increases with decreasing grain size d following the equation: r =5x1015 + 1.1x1011/d0.7. (3) Yield strength of 5% cold rolled specimens can be explained by the mechanism of dislocation strengthening regardless of ferrite grain size: sy = s0 + Δsd. (4) Yield point elongation appears on the process of strengthening mechanism shift from grain refinement strengthening to dislocation strengthening. (5) The relationship between both strengthening mechanisms is not additional but competitive. It is concluded that, with reducing ferrite grain size, the yield strength of cold worked iron can be heightened because the accumulation of dislocation is promoted. |
Program |
V. Structural Materials |
Symposium |
3. Bulk Metallic Glasses and High Entropy Alloys |
Name |
Do Hyang KIM |
Affiliation |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea |
Research Field |
Alloy Development, Metallic Glass, Phase Transformation |
Biography |
Do Hyang Kim was born in Seoul (Korea) in 1958. He obtained a B. Sc degree in Material Science in 1980 and a M. Sc. degree in 1982 from Seoul National University. In 1989 he was awarded a Ph. D. by the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Professor Brian Cantor. He obtained a permanent position as Professor in Material Science and Engineering at Yonsei University in 1995. Since 1998, he has been a director at Center for Noncrystalline Materials. His research has investigated the manufacture of materials and has contributed to fundamental scientific advances as well as improvements in many industrial applications. His main research activities are concerned with design of amorphous alloys with special attention to developing composite materials aiming for structural and functional application. He has published over 400 papers, registered over 70 patents, and given over 100 invited talks at international conferences. |
Title Phase separating metallic glass and its possible applications |
In metallic glass forming systems, phase separation can occur in liquid state when there is at least one atom pair with positive enthalpy of mixing or there is a large difference in enthalpy of mixing between the atom pairs. By selecting a proper pseudo-binary section of the miscibility gap in the multi-component system, droplet-type microstructure formed by nucleation and growth mechanism or interconnected-type microstructure formed by spinodal decomposition can be obtained in the as-solidified microstructure. So far, liquid-liquid phase separation has been reported in various metallic glass systems such as La–Zr–Al–Cu–Ni, Y-Ti-Al-Co, Ni-Nb-Y and Nd–Zr–Al–Co systems. Recently, liquid-liquid phase separation has been also reported in Al-based amorphous alloy systems. Phase separation phenomena can provide some advantages in utilizing metallic glasses. Using high thermos-plasticity in the super-cooled liquid state, and the two-step glass transition phenomena in phase separating metallic glasses, fabrication of complex shape nano-scale parts is possible. Using composition heterogeneity in the phase-separated matrix, nano-scale porous glass can be fabricated by leaching out some elements or one amorphous phase. Using good wetting characteristics and good oxidation resistance particularly in the supercooled liquid state, metallic glass can be used for binding materials, for example, formation of electrode with high efficiency using Ag paste. The presentation will cover general thermodynamic conditions for liquid-liquid phase separation in metallic glass, microstructural evolution during phase separation in various metallic glass systems, and their possible applications. With emphasis on the nano-porous glass. |